STW War Story VI

One of the Horde

Welcome back again. I am Miyoshi Tadayoshi, your host of the Hojo war story.

Summer 1533

In the last chapter, the Hojo clan has reached the decision of attacking Imagawa's Shinano - but this is by no means an easy task.

Shinano is with highly defensible mountains, and Imagawa Yoshimoto is constantly having a big army up there.

Yo ho ho... general Ota Yasusuke's got a suggestion. He said why don't we attack Sagami, as a sign of not making enemy with Imagawa? This way Imagawa Yoshimoto might just move some of his defense off to the west for Oda Nobuhide. Sagami is a rich land with well-developed trading posts. By occupying the major seaports of Sagami, we will also be able to obtain extra income and the chance transport troops in the future.

Autumn 1533

This was indeed a good choice! Ota was then voted as the commander of Sagami invasion.

Outnumbered badly, the former Takeda force retreated from Sagami. Now Hojo also has a seaport!

On the other hand, Imagawa Yoshimoto really thought we were not really hostile, and decided to move most of his troops out Shinano.

But a peasant revolt soon occurred in Shinano immediately!

Now might be a good time to attack Shinano, but Lord Hojo decided to wait - because many Hojo soldiers were still in Sagami. Ops.

On the west, our incompetent yet well-fed, well-educated, well-paid (I assume) emissary has finally done something well. He brought back the news that Mori Motonari is willing to make a treaty with Hojo.

The emissary was then sent to Oda. Hopefully by coordinating with Oda who is directly adjacent to Imagawa, we can defeat Imagawa Yoshimoto easier. I bet he is going to fail.

Spring 1534

Imagawa Yoshimoto suppressed the rebel in Shinano with his elite troops! 

However, that's not the end of the troubles for him.

With insufficient garrison in Etchu, Imagawa soon faced the second wave of revolt - and this time they are far more serious. The Ikko-Ikki warrior monks has organized a large army!

Looks like Imagawa is going to pay heavily to keep Etchu, if they dare to try...!

Hojo Ujiyasu decided that NOW is the perfect chance to attack Imagawa! (because the majority of the Sagami army has been drawn back to Musashi). With all available troops of Hojo's land (minus other military leaders and minimal garrisons), 80% of Hojo's men marched into Shinano!

At the same time, Imagawa has decided to totally give up Etchu, but to concentrate almost its entire army in Shinano!

The great battle between Hojo and Imagawa takes place finally!

Shinano Hojo 839 Hojo Ujiyasu (R4)
Imagawa 745 Imagawa Yoshimoto (R4)

The only two rank-4 generals of the nation now clash in Shinano - with almost the entire army of the clan they belong to.

The Imagawa army was consisted of 559 the best archers of Japan, plus 175 fierce yari samurai - yes, no peasants! Imagawa Yoshimoto seemed to know that he can win easily - his entire was marching towards the Hojo army! Is he really planning an attack even if he is the defender?

Ujiyasu quickly ordered ALL his men to run - not to flee, but to the hill on the left!

Yes, the hill offers a height advantage if Imagawa really takes an aggressive move. The Hojo's man were barely ready...

But here the enemy comes! The sky-blue army with numerous banners are approaching in two long lines that stretched probably several hundred yards!

"Shoot at will!" Hojo Ujiyasu gave his men a definite GO!

"Ah~~~!!" death cry everywhere! The shootout begins - and Imagawa's yari samurai started to march uphill!

The Hojo men were ready to go, but Hojo Ujiyasu asked them to hold --- even if the enemy arrows started to pour down... when is going to be the best time to move?

"Now! Charge!"

The sound of battle horn filled up the valley! Hojo's yari samurai rushed down like a huge waterfall!

Hojo Ujiyasu divided the yari samurai in three groups total - the left flank (240), the right flank (240), and the reserve (40 + 120 YA). The left flank attacks one group of enemy yari samurai from a roughly a 45 degree angle, while the right flank charges down from the surrounded hill - the first group will hold the ground and the second group attack from the side!

Yeah thanks, maltz. This is the view we want.

The height advantage has brought Hojo a preferable situation. The left flank (showing on the right) has completely wiped out the first group of enemy yari samurai, and is pursuing into the enemy archers. Also, although the right flank is barely holding, the supporting group is definitely in their position to advance to the enemy's side.

At the center, Imagawa Yoshimoto has charged in himself with some other yari samurai. But his supports were now destroyed!  Here comes the chance to use the reserve power - Hojo Ujiyasu coordinated a tight surrounding net using the reserved 40 yari samurai and 120 ashigaru, and Lord Imagawa was about to be trapped within! 

Hojo's arrows was depleted! Now Hojo Ujisuna also charged downhill himself! Imagawa Yoshimoto is truly surrounded - deep trouble.

On the right, the flanking attack of the supporting group was a complete success. The enemy were on the run, and the holding group now charge down with no resistance!

(Sorry about the typo in the labels, it is Hojo Ujiyasu, not Ujisuna the daimyo)

Imagawa Yoshimoto was still holding by himself! He's killed 15!

However, our left flank has shown some uncertainty as they had pursued a little too far and could no longer see Ujiyasu (as he charged down the slope). Ujiyasu immediately reacted by dispatching three groups to rescue the left flank. The center still surrounds Imagawa Yoshimoto, and the right flank keeps advancing to completely expel the superior archers of Imagawa who has been shooting accurately at our men!

The enemy daimyo has been killed! The entire Imagawa army suddenly lost their confidence and started to run like whipped dogs!

Hojo Ujiyasu ordered all ashigaru to chase the enemy as fast as they could! Now our peasants showed their strength to the fine samurai of Imagawa! Let's stab their arse hard!

With more than 1000 corpses left on the side of Shinano valley, Imagawa was defeated at once. More than 80% of Imagawa's men were killed by Hojo, while Hojo also lost about 50% as well...

It was a tough battle for Hojo, and could be definitely harder. If Imagawa Yoshimoto took the defensive move, Hojo Ujiyasu should have no chance to prevail.

But the proud Yoshimoto overestimated his power. His warriors might be the finest of the nation, but they could not fight effectively when ordered charging uphill.

The tactics of Hojo Ujiyasu also works greatly. By destroying the enemy's yari samurai in a 2:1 pattern on the flanks, lord Imagawa was soon isolated!


Yap.. meeting again for such a great success of his son. Embarrassing that I didn't achieve anything in the past year...

Imagawa is gone, and there are a lot of minor fractions in eastern Japan. Lord Hojo Ujisuna divided the job. His son, the great heir of Hojo Ujiyasu is going to be responsible the campaign of Mikawa, Totomi, Sagami, Kai, and Izu. Me, Miyoshi Tadayoshi the ashigaru general is going to be ultimately responsible for taking Dewa, Sado, Noto, Etchu, Kaga, Echizen, and Hida (my holy goodness! ). However, general Ota Yasusuke is going to be my assistant!

In the meantime, Lord Hojo Ujisuna is going to take charge of Shinano defense himself.

So lets get started!