The Honour and Battle Awards is like an Oscars ceremony and are being set-up to award those whose deeds are exceptional in serving the Total War community during the year 2001. Part 1 of these accolades consists in collecting nominees from the public for the various nominations. Once the first part is over, the director in charge of the Awards will process the entries and afterwards the final process will commence: the voting by the public. The winners would be announced shortly after the last part and if any of them have a Sword Dojo account, they will be granted a special symbol commemorating their award. However me must stress that this is not a competition but an honourable way to thank people who have worked hard to make the community a better place for everyone.

              Most Interesting Fansite

Runners up were Planet Total War and STW Strategies and Hints.


Hosted by TotalWar.Org
These awards are not connected to any official body linked with the creators of the game.